Complaints Procedure

As part of our commitment to quality, we have a structured complaints process in place to ensure that all our customers are treated fairly, with courtesy and respect.

We endeavour to offer the highest level of service throughout the duration of your contract However, if something does go wrong and you want to make a complaint, we will investigate any issues and aim to rectify any issues promptly, where possible.

We embrace any feedback and continually look to improve. However, if a customer feels dissatisfied with any element of our service, we welcome the opportunity to put things right.

Our complaint policy and procedure can be requested and can be sent by email or posted for free of charge.

Step 1

A complaint is any expression of dissatisfaction with the service received by Wise Utility Limited. A complaint may be made in writing, email, by telephone or in any other form. Please provide as much detail as possible about the reasons for your complaint and the outcome you would like to see.

Step 2

Upon receipt of your concerns, we will acknowledge your complaint within three working days and aim to resolve the matter within 10 working days. The customer service manager will complete a full audit of communications between you and the advisor in question. This includes but it is not limited to, emails, telephone conversations, letters, and voicemail

Step 3

Within two weeks of receiving a complaint we will send you either:
  • Final response which adequately addresses the complaint; or
  • A holding response, which explains why we are not yet able to resolve the complaint and indicates when we will make further contact with you.
  • If we do not hear from you within a timescale of 7 days after issuing our final response, we will assume you are satisfied with the outcome.

Step 4

If you are not satisfied with our final response, we will be happy to consider a further response, but in the absence of new evidence or material flaws being evident in our findings, it is unlikely to change the outcome of our investigation.

Step 5

We will send you a final response which adequately addresses the complaint no later than eight weeks from receiving a complaint

Step 6

If you are unhappy with our final response, you may be able to seek help from Ofgem. This service is impartial and is free for service users, agencies, and organisations to use. Our complaints process must be completed in full prior to the Ombudsman being contacted.
The Energy Ombudsman is approved by Ofgem – the UK gas and electricity regulator – to independently handle energy disputes between consumers and energy suppliers.

For more information, visit their website:
Post: Ombudsman Services: Energy, P.O. Box 966, Warrington, WA4 9DF
Phone: 0330 440 1624